If you are injured while at work, you will likely want to turn to your employee's handbook if it is available. Many employers offer employee's handbooks as a way to show that they take work injuries seriously.
Prohibition Against Fraud
Fraud should always be avoided and you should always speak with a workers' compensation lawyer so that you can defend your rights while also avoiding accusations of fraud. The employee's handbook will likely clarify that any acts of fraud will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law.
The Importance of Reporting an Injury Quickly
You will usually be told to report work injuries as soon as possible. This allows for your employer to file a workers' compensation claim with their insurance provider and allows you to obtain treatment as soon as possible. Also, filing a claim will allow your employer to address any dangerous conditions that lead to your injuries.
Your employer will likely provide you with instructions on the steps you must take. For example, under state law, your employer may be entitled to have you see a physician of their choice to verify that you are as injured as you claim. A workers' compensation claim can be complex and there is a risk of your claim being denied so it's a good idea to speak with a workers comp attorney.
What Will Happen to Your Position
The handbook may state what will happen with your position if you are injured. It should state that you will be brought back to work as soon as possible and should explain the transitional work that will be provided as you recover and transition back to full employment.
An employer is not allowed to retaliate against an employee for reporting a work injury. Also, by allowing you to return to work, your transition will be more smooth and the employer will be able to reduce workers' compensation claim costs. Returning to work partially will still leave you eligible for some workers' compensation claim benefits.
Returning to work is always a good idea because you will be compensated for less than what you would be paid while at work. However, you will also want to make sure that you're fully recovered so that your injuries do not become worse. If you are not sure if it's a good idea to return to work, this is something to discuss with your physician and your attorney.
Contact a law firm like Nelson Law Office to learn more.
Share16 February 2021